Do you want to learn how to capture those special blink of an eye moments that happen everyday in your family?
The fun, the love, the connections, and the craziness!
You see the moment, you grab your camera click away but when you look at the back of your camera it just isn’t what you saw in your mind. You look up and the moment is gone.
You bought a fancy camera to take high-quality photos of your kids, but you just keep missing the shot.
Your children are growing up so quickly and you want to capture those moments of their childhood.
You need that little something extra to truly make your photos special.
You feel intimidated by your camera.
You don’t want to become professional photographer. You just want better more creative family photos.
If this is you then I am here to help!!

Capturing Everyday Photography Workshop
I am so excited to be hosting a “Capturing Everyday” workshop.
This workshop is designed to teach you the skills necessary to create images that capture the emotion, beauty, and memories of your everyday life.
Learn to use your camera and photograph your family and capture those special moments.
The workshop will cover:
- Camera basics
- Capturing sharp images and how to get that gorgeous background blur
- Looking for and finding the perfect light
- Simple secrets to great composition
- How to capture natural smiles
Photography Workshop For Beginners
Diane Kinzer and Blue Truck Photography offer the best photography workshop to help you get started in the art of photography. This workshop is a great starting point for anyone interested in learning the basics of photography and will leave you itching to take more photos!
At the end of the day you’ll go away with everything you need to capture beautiful family memories.
Join The Best Photography Workshop Near you!
Saturday May 6th 9am-1pm
Blue Truck Photography
166 Mill Street, Utica, Il
Lunch, snacks, and a goodie bag full of information included!
An invitation to a private Facebook group where you can share your images, learn from others, ask questions and receive constructive criticism from me (when I said constructive I mean helpful and supportive!!).
What you need for this class:
- A camera (DSLR or a point and shoot)
- basic understand of settings on your camera (how to turn it on and where to find picture modes)
- 4 hours of free time to learn
- A fun and open to learn attitude. Think of this class as a day of hanging out with friends, learning in a non-judgemental environment, asking those questions you have always wanted answers to. Believe me, I have asked or thought every silly photography question there is.
Limited Spots Available, this is a small group setting as I feel that is the best environment to learn in.
Call 262-573-6117 or message bluetruckphoto@gmail to reserve your spot.